Scholz Solar

On June 25, 2012 the Newman Government announced changes to the solar industry in Queensland, which included a reduction in the feed-in-tariff rate (the amount you earn for the power your Solar unit feeds back into the electrical grid) from 44cents/kilowatt to 8 cents/kilowatt .

Customers had until July 9, 2012 to submit an application form to Energex to lock in the 44 cent rate. We contacted as many of our customers as we could between June 25 and July 9 last year to advise them of the urgency in getting their applications lodged and as a result, many of you were able to secure the 44 cent rate through us. (More than 75,000 applications were received by Energex in that 15 day period.)

One of the conditions of securing the 44 cent rate was that the Solar PV system had to be installed no later than June 30, 2013. If you were one of the 75,000 Queenslanders who successfully lodged their application with Energex, now is the time to plan your installation. We are experienced solar installers and can

  • Source the best system for your home or office, based on your property’s orientation and power usage
  • Perform a QUALITY installation
  • Liaise with Energex on your behalf and take care of all rebate paperwork
  • Provide ongoing advice and support.

It is important to note that any licensed solar installer can source and install your solar system, so even if you lodged your 44c/kw Energex application through another firm, we are able to take over the design and installation of your solar power unit.

To avoid missing out on a pre-June 30 installation due to the expected last-minute rush, we strongly advise you to think about arranging your solar installation in the coming weeks. Contact us on 1300 369 633 and one of our solar specialists will visit your home and provide a no-obligation, informative quote.

We are accredited through the Clean Energy Council, are Green Energy Certified and have a range of solar product partners, so you can feel confident about the advice you receive from us.

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